Category: Bomgar
Our vendors’ awards at American Security Today’s ASTORS
Best Cyber Security Training & Best Phishing Defense Solutions Cofense Phishing Defense Suite Best Cyber Security Training & Best Phishing Defense SolutionsCoFense Phishing Defense Suite Best SecurityRISK 2019 – PAM: The critical missing piece in your security strategy – BeyondTrust
At RISK 2019, BeyondTrust’s Solutions Architect Aidan Keates will present on the main stage on the topic of “Privileged Access Management (PAM): The critical missing piece in your security strategy” on the opening […]BeyondTrust as Leader in Gartner’s Privileged Access Management Magic Quadrant
BeyondTrust has been recognized by Gartner as a Leader in the first-ever Magic Quadrant for Privileged Access Management! We believe this report reaffirms BeyondTrust’s leadership in the PAM market through: […]Bomgar prevzel BeyondTrust
Združene države Amerike, 13. september 2018 – Bomgar, globalni vodja PAM rešitev, je najavil dogovor o prevzemu podjetja BeyondTrust, globalnega vodjo rešitev varnosti na osnovi upravljanja s privilegiji. Skupno podjetje, […]Load More