Category: RISK conference
We’re on – RISK 2022 registrations are now open!
Good old times, we are coming! We are eagerly awaiting the 1st and 2nd of June, when we will finally after 2 years have a privilege to host YOU on good […]GROUP-IB DIGITAL RISK SUMMIT 2021
Join Group-IB Digital Risk Summit to hear about the latest global trends from industry experts, dive deep into new technologies, get insights from practical use cases and discover our next-level Digital […]RISK 2020 letos v VIRTUALNI obliki!
Spoštovani, vljudno vabljeni na največjo konferenco o informacijskim varnosti in novih tehnologijah v regiji Adriatik, RISK 2020, ki bo letos prvič v virtualnem formatu. Znanje je najpomembnejši vidik razvoja in napredka, tega se […]RISK 2020 this year in full VIRTUAL format!
Dear, You are cordially invited to the largest conference on information security and new technologies in the Adriatic region, RISK 2020, which will be for the first time held in […]Pomembno obvestilo: Konferenca RISK 2020 prestavljena na 16. in 17. november zaradi podaljšanja ukrepov za zagotovitev varnosti in zdravja
Glede na resnost situacije s širjenjem koronavirusa in podaljševanja ukrepov socialne izolacije v državi, smo se – skladno s priporočili Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravje – odločili, da 15. konferenco RISK […]Important notice: RISK conference 2020 postponed to November 16th and 17th due to continued health concerns
Every year, we look forward to connecting, sharing best practices and knowledge, as well as explore the future we’re building together on the field of information security. After close consultation […]Konferenca RISK 2020 prestavljena na 9. in 10. junij
Glede na zadnje dogodke v Sloveniji in po svetu smo tudi mi globoko zaskrbljeni zaradi povečane grožnje koronavirusa. Glede na vse večje zdravstvene težave povezane z virusom, in nove primere, […]RISK 2020 postponed to June 9th and 10th 2020
Like others around the world we are deeply concerned by the escalating coronavirus situation. Given growing health concerns related to the virus and with new cases appearing in Slovenia daily, […]Load More