INSPIRE 20 – Summer Break

With five outstanding INSPIRE 20 podcasts under our belt, our team is taking a few weeks break to relax, refresh, and build up some more exciting and informative podcasts for you with more top leaders in the tech Inclusion and Diversity space. But just because we don’t have a podcast release this week, it doesn’t mean the learning stops there!

In lieu of this week’s new podcast, I wanted to share with you some links to additional research and perspectives on some of the topics we have covered these past 5 weeks: girls in tech, neurodiversity, democratizing VC funding and accelerating diversity in the world of tech start-ups, lending privilege, and the power of confidence and self-esteem. Each of these topics addresses an important aspect of Inclusion and Diversity and the more we know, the more we can work together to make change happen. So here are the top links for our five topics addressed so far:

Girls in Tech

Sometimes, knowing how to impact change is knowing where to get started. Built In have curated a great set of resources for Women in Tech from job postings, to the best conferences, to online and in-person communities (when that becomes a thing again) that can help anyone get started on their learning and change journey


This Harvard Business Review is a great read on how neurodiversity is a competitive advantage, and how neurodiversity should be treated similarly to race, gender and other “isms” when teams are looking to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. Take a look for case studies, examples and more.

Diversity and the VC World

This has been a topic brewing for some time. Two more recent articles on this topic include a Washington Post piece that talks to the “diversity theatre” that we often see being played out in the VC world, and this 2019 Market Watch piece that talks to the difference between theory and reality when it comes to peoples actions in the VC world sometimes creating the falsehood that the problems have been addressed.

Lending Privilege

Anjuan Simmons explained to us in episode 4 a unique way of looking at diversity and inclusion called lending privilege. Anjuan’s website has a host of links and resources. These resources not only provide an insight into Anjuan’s real world experiences, but they can help us all learn how to identify the ways that we can use lending privilege to lift others up in the workplace, and to make the tech industry a more inclusive industry.

Confidence and Self Esteem

Indeed have climbed up the ranks to be the most visited job websites in the US, and in 2019 they wrote a great blog post on the importance of High Self Worth in the Workplace. Their first point is my favourite “Define your value. You first have to recognize what you are worth”. This helps us remember we are all different, but we can all bring something to the table if we are clear on our own skills and expertise, and we should all have the confidence to know that being different is often better.

Hopefully, you will enjoy these follow-on pieces. Thank you for continuing to be part of the INSPIRE 20 journey and helping shine a spotlight on the critical role of inclusion and diversity in tech. Until next time…

This post was first first published on Home | Micro Focus Blog website by murphyge. You can view it by clicking here