EMA Names Aternity a Value Leader In DEX | Riverbed
first EMA Radar™ for Digital Employee Experience Management (DEX) is hot off the press from Enterprise Management Associates®. This report focuses on solutions that “collect comprehensive contextual information on user interactions with digital technologies, analyze the data to quantify user experiences, and provide support for remediating any deficiencies.”
The EMA Radar™ Report identifies and ranks the 12 leading Digital Employee Experience Management (DEX) providers. The Alluvio Aternity DEM platform received the highest ranking as a “Value Leader” and received a unique award for “Best Application Experience Visibility 2023.”
The Value of Digital Employee Experience Management
So what does it mean to be a Value Leader on the EMA Radar? In their own words: “EMA defines value in any solution as a comparison of the strength of the platform against its total cost of ownership.” And as far as the actual ratings/rankings in this report, “EMA defines ‘value’ as the ratio derived from the strength of a product set against its cost-efficiency. Put simply, the more users pay for a solution, the greater the advantages they should receive in terms of breadth of functionality and supportability.”
We couldn’t agree more. “Pricing” and “value” are commonly misused as synonyms. When committing to a large-scale solution like DEX, it’s most important to evaluate the ROI of solving the most important use cases. The Alluvio Aternity platform is developed with real-world solutions in mind, including employee experience and IT asset cost reduction. That’s also why we have unique capabilities like Aternity Experience Insights, a proactive way to solve user-facing issues before they become widespread.
Best Application Experience Visibility
The Alluvio Aternity DEM platform was also awarded “Best Application Experience Visibility.” This was based on the fact that “the granular information collected […] on application performance is more extensive than any other comparable solutions on the market today.” EMA also cited our collection of “click to render” timing of actual business activities as a unique capability. Aternity supports this type of measurement in order to go beyond traditional telemetry collection and gather information that is most impactful to the individual employee’s digital experience and the ROI for the business. You’re doing to get the most ROI from a DEX tool when you can answer questions such as “how long does it take a contact center rep to update account information for a customer?”
Our “Application Experience Visibility” comes from our support of what we call Full Spectrum DEM. This means covering digital experience use cases for both employees AND customers, as well as giving Service Desk and Ops teams the ability to trace issues from the end-user device all the way to the backend applications and systems that power them.
Other callouts included our breadth of information collected, the easy-to-use web console, Aternity Digital Experience Index (DXI), and positive customer feedback on our intuitive reports and dashboard visualizations. Our support of these visualizations helps not only the employees at the service desk, but also application and line-of-business owners. These users may not be hands on with the tactical problem solving, but need insights into what issues are having the most business impact. From there, they can prioritize which projects and fixes should be the highest priority.
But don’t take my word for it! Download a complimentary copy of the report now to learn more about DEX platforms and EMA’s evaluation of Alluvio Aternity DEM.
This post was first first published on Riverbed Blog’s website by Scott Grant. You can view it by clickinghere