Avecto je zmagovalec ene od kategorij Gold Stevie Award – 2018 International Business Awards

Avecto. katerega je pred kratkim prevzel investicijski sklad Bomgar, je objavil, da je produkt Defendpoint v5.0 dobitnik zmagovalnega priznanja kategorije Best New Product or Service of the Year – Software – Endpoint Security Management Solution.

Defendpoint v5.0 je vodilni produkt podjetja namenjen upravljanju privilegijev izvajanja operacij na delovnih postajah. V zadnji različici predstavlja inovativne nove funkcionalnosti namenjene podjetjem, ki nameravajo preiti na arhitekturo minimalnih zadostnih privilegijev.

Avecto Defendpoint je dandanes nameščen na več kot 8 milijonih delovnih postaj in strežnikov po vsem svetu. Uporablja ga več kot 1100 strank, vključujoč tri največje svetovne banke, 13 vodilnih podjetij iz letalskih in vesoljskih industrij, ter celo tri ekipe Formule Ena.


Mark Austin, Co-CEO, Avecto:

We’re honored to be named a Gold Stevie Award winner. As the threat landscape evolves, companies increasingly realize the need to enhance their security efforts. Bomgar’s recent acquisition of Avecto provides our customers with one of the most comprehensive platforms for managing endpoint security on the market. The combined solution will enable businesses to defend themselves against today’s most common cyber8 attacks.


Michael Gallagher, predsednik in ustanovitelj Stevie Awards:

This year’s Stevie Award winners in the IBAs are the most distinguished group of winners we’ve had yet. We raised the minimum average score from the judges required to qualify as a Stevie winner, so 2018 winners should be especially proud of their achievements. We look forward to presenting their Stevies to them in London on October 20, and to telling their stories over the coming year through Stevie Awards media.

O Stevie Awards

O podelitvah nagrad v vsaki posamezni kategoriji so odločale povprečne ocene produktov in storitev, katere je dodeljevalo več kot 270 ključnih strokovnjakov iz različnih podjetij, ki so se razdelili v 12 žirij.

Stevie International Business Awards je vodilni svetovni poslovni izbor med 3900 podjetji vseh velikosti in tako rekoč iz vseh poslovnih panog. Med kategorijami, v katerih se podeljujejo priznanja, so: Company of the Year, Marketing Campaign of the Year, Best New Product or Service of the Year, Startup of the Year, Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year, ter Executive of the Year. Avecto je zmagal v kategoriji Best New Product or Service of the Year for Endpoint Management Security Solutions.

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