How Organizational Structure, Personalities and Politics Can Get in the Way of Security
Cyberattacks and data breaches continue to rise year-over-year and another so-called silver bullet technology isn’t going to stop that trend. The reality is the bad guys are looking at the entire playing field, but we are not because organizational structure, personalities and politics get in the way.
Security organizations are traditionally structured as a collection of separate groups—including network, endpoint and cloud—tasked with protecting their part of the infrastructure and stopping certain types of threats. Each group uses its own set of security technologies from different vendors, and they bring in their own third-party data and intelligence sources for context. These silos make it extremely difficult to share data between tools or teams in any real way. And while these teams may roll up to the same person, they each have their own budgets and are laser-focused on achieving success for their projects so they can get funded…sometimes at the expense of another project. Personalities and politics start creeping in due to this unintentional (or sometimes maybe intentional) competition. In the end these divisions make it incredible difficult to create a unified defense. Instead, we’re simply creating an obstacle course for attackers that they are all too adept at successfully navigating.
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