Carbon Friendly IT – Saving Costs, Increasing Efficiencies and Protecting the Planet

Technology can play a key role in helping to reduce an organization’s environmental impact.  At Micro Focus, our aim is to make sustainable and responsible business part of the way we operate. From lowering our energy consumption and waste materials, to helping our customers address their carbon footprint and adopt carbon friendly IT strategies – and encouraging our employees to live and work more sustainably.

The exponential growth of data and data traffic, the rise of the Internet of Things, compute-intensive applications like block chain and public cloud growth are driving a global increase in energy consumption. The amount of energy the IT industry uses accounts for between 5% and 9% of the world’s total electricity consumption (which results in about 2% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions) and some predictions expect it to rise to an alarming 20% by 2030 (source: Enerdata).

At Micro Focus we have been seeking ways to reduce our energy consumption and lower our carbon footprint as well as help our customers, partners and suppliers with this shared challenge. To meet this goal, Micro Focus deployed its own solutions at the company’s Product Service Delivery Center (PSDC) to automate the virtual server migration and ticket lifecycles, warn the team of any issues, provide 24×7 monitoring, and ensure that redundant equipment could be decommissioned immediately.

As a result, the consolidation project was able to sustainably dispose of 49% of PSDC equipment, delivering a 510 KW cut to energy consumption and a $3 million annual savings to Micro Focus in annual rent and energy costs.

To find out how your organization can adopt similar carbon-friendly IT strategies to help save costs, increase operational efficiencies, and operate more sustainably to support our planet read the case study.

This post was first first published on Home | Micro Focus Blog website by SarahAtkinson. You can view it by clicking here