Embracing our PLANET Together
Bringing people together who are passionate about reducing their environmental impact – this is the spirit of Micro Focus’ newest employee resource group (ERG) called PLANET, dedicated to sustainability awareness and advocacy.
As Micro Focus celebrates Earth Day and Beyond, it’s an opportunity to put the spotlight on our PLANET ERG and show how it supports the company’s commitment to reducing its environmental impact – while bringing many of us together who are dedicated to living and working sustainably.
PLANET is a network of colleagues around the globe who share a common passion of caring for our Earth. Between us, we feel a sense of responsibility towards preserving our natural spaces and resources – oceans, forests and wildlife – and addressing climate change by exploring how we can live and work more sustainably.
The purpose of PLANET is to facilitate the sharing of our collective knowledge, expertise and experience to help reduce the impact of humanity on the planet. Our goals are to lower our carbon footprint – both personally and professionally by raising awareness and advocacy of sustainability to drive action that leads to measurable, positive outcomes.
Being the leader of PLANET is important to me for the three reasons; firstly it enables colleagues to play an active part as environmental stewards in an area of our lives usually left to others – the workplace. Secondly, I volunteered to lead PLANET because I’ve been close to Micro Focus’ corporate environmental efforts for some time now and inviting colleagues to join these endeavours, which touches all areas of the business, was an opportunity in which I wanted to play a major part.
Micro Focus is committed to reducing its environmental footprint as well as helping our customers and partners address theirs, too. We have some fantastic products that deliver both direct and indirect environmental benefits to our customers and society. One example is when our customer, Auckland Transport, invested in Micro Focus IDOL and Vertica solutions to help achieve safer roads. In addition to enhancing road safety through our software, the significant reduction of traffic congestion greatly reduced carbon emissions in various parts of the city. Through PLANET, we also have an opportunity to share insights into how our products can further help our customers be more sustainable – and ultimately support their sustainability commitments.
And thirdly, as a person who loves being outdoors, leading PLANET is simply a wonderful thing to do. I love hillwalking in the mountains on mainland Britain and have scaled the equivalent of Mount Everest in each country – and multiple times over in some countries. It’s also my ambition to bag a Munro (a mountain in Scotland with a height over 3,000 feet) for every year of my life. There are over 280 of them, so I’m confident I won’t run out of options. But I may need to get a few into the bank before my aging knees give up!
My Earth Day and Beyond Pledge
In celebrating Earth Day – and beyond – Micro Focus employees are invited to ‘Pledge to Do an Act of Green’ and make a commitment to take action to help ‘Restore Our Earth’ – this year’s Earth Day theme. I pledged to make small changes in my everyday life. One way I am delivering my pledge is by cycling more to reduce my personal carbon footprint. With the extension of our Earth Day celebrations to the end of May/early June in Earth Day and Beyond, I intend to reduce the carbon I produce, through my daily transportation needs, to zero. My ultimate goal is to eventually give up my car – it’s a tough challenge as I have a family. How do you take a family on holiday without a car? Until I figure that one out, I’m going to start tracking the miles I cycle over the next month and then calculate how much CO2 I’ve saved.
Learn more about Micro Focus’ commitment to the Environment and Sustainability.
This post was first first published on Home | Micro Focus Blog website by Neildfranklin. You can view it by clicking here