A New Way to Think About Breach Detection
Data breaches can cripple businesses. While it’s true the financial implications tend to be significant—both in terms of revenue loss and potential fines—breaches often cut deeper, especially when they result in loss of critical intellectual property. It’s best to avoid a brand reputation-tarnishing event altogether.
Breach Detection: Becoming as Agile as the Attackers
Today we face a challenge few could have anticipated—a large-scale disruption to the way we do business that could last for 18 months or longer. The sudden, massive demand for secure remote workforce solutions flipped a switch for many businesses, and created a new reality in the process. And this massive disruption has taken place while organizations are at various stages in their digital transformation efforts. Many organizations have accelerated their digital transformation plans in response.
Helping organizations avoid these incidents is Forcepoint’s core mission. It is why we work with key partners like Ericom: to give customers an actionable path forward to evolve their cybersecurity strategy to address today’s business realities—while also providing a future path forward to grow with their business needs.
Here are some themes we’ll discuss in more detail:
It’s a fascinating time to be a cybersecurity practitioner. And we look forward to sharing with you our upcoming fireside chat where we’ll discuss the evolution of breach detection and response in a landscape where business continuity faces new, rapidly-evolving challenges.
To hear more, join us for Breach Detection: Becoming as Agile as the Attackers on August 20 2020, 9:00am CDT. Click on the link or register or click on the Register Now button on the right.
- The Business World Is Forever Altered: How could any organization have planned for what we’re experiencing today in business—a mass shift to a telework environment that has forever altered how global businesses operate?
- Today’s Business Environment—the Threat Vector Is Infinitely Expansive: Our new business reality requires a new way thinking. One that understands people are the new perimeter instead of servers, firewalls and network nodes. Our current situation gives bad actors and nation-states more ways to attack users and data. What can you organization do about it?
- Data Is the New Oil—and the Lifeblood of Every Business Today: Before COVID-19, many in the security industry were already starting to pivot away from traditional models focused on protecting the perimeter in favor of approaches designed for a “perimeter-less” world. Protecting data throughout this paradign shift is critical. How should companies approach breach detection and prevention today in order to move the needle left of breach?
- Cybersecurity Designed for Today’s Modern Threat Landscape: What is the modern security path forward and how can organizations evolve? How is the cybersecurity industry outgrowing the old era of point products and finding maturity in a new world of converged solutions?
- The Criticality of Getting Security Right Today: We are clearly moving into a new phase of cybersecurity: one that recognizes the importance of protecting users and data. And one that values understanding user behavior on the network. Some businesses will adapt and execute more quickly than others.
How can we map out the competitive advantages to be gained over the next five to 10 years by getting cybersecurity right in this next phase, so we can best advise the right people in our organizations about how to proceed?
This post was first first published on Forcepoint website by Myrna Soto, Nick Kael—Ericom Software CTO. You can view it by clicking here