New Variant of Ploutus ATM Malware Observed in the Wild in Latin America


Ploutus is one of the most advanced ATM malware families we’ve seen
in the last few years. Discovered for the first
time in Mexico
back in 2013, Ploutus enabled criminals to empty
ATMs using either an external keyboard attached to the machine or via
SMS message
, a technique that had never been seen before.

FireEye Labs recently identified a previously unobserved version of
Ploutus, dubbed Ploutus-D, that interacts with KAL’s Kalignite
multivendor ATM platform. The samples we identified target the ATM
vendor Diebold. However, minimal code change to Ploutus-D would
greatly expand its ATM vendor targets since Kalignite Platform runs on 40 different
ATM vendors in 80 countries

Once deployed to an ATM, Ploutus-D makes it possible for a money
mule to obtain thousands of dollars in minutes. A money mule must have
a master key to open the top portion of the ATM (or be able to pick
it), a physical keyboard to connect to the machine, and an activation
code (provided by the boss in charge of the operation) in order to
dispense money from the ATM. While there are some risks of the money
mule being caught by cameras, the speed in which the operation is
carried out minimizes the mule’s risk.

This blog covers the changes, improvements, and Indicators of
Compromise (IOC) of Ploutus-D in order to help financial organizations
identify and defend against this threat.

Previously unobserved features of Ploutus-D

  • It uses the Kalignite multivendor ATM Platform.
  • It
    could run on ATMs running the Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 and
    XP operating systems.
  • It is configured to control Diebold
  • It has a different GUI interface.
  • It comes
    with a Launcher that attempts to identify and kill security
    monitoring processes to avoid detection.
  • It uses a stronger
    .NET obfuscator called Reactor.

Commonality between Ploutus and Ploutus-D

  • The main purpose is to empty the ATM without requiring an ATM
  • The attacker must interact with the malware using an
    external keyboard attached to the ATM.
  • An activation code
    is generated by the attacker, which expires after 24 hours.
  • Both were created in .NET.
  • Can run as Windows Service
    or standalone application.

Dissecting Ploutus-D

Ploutus-D (observed in the wild with the filename of
“AgilisConfigurationUtility.exe”) can run as a standalone application
or as a Windows service started by a Launcher (observed in the wild as
“Diebold.exe”). Although multiple functionality is shared between the
two components, the main difference is that Ploutus-D is the component
with the capability to dispense money.

Launcher – Diebold.exe (.NET)



.NET Obfuscator


File Size

198 kB

File Type

Win32 EXE

Time Stamp

2016:11:16 04:55:56-08:00

Code Size


File Version

Internal Name


Legal Copyright

Copyright ©  2015

Original Filename


Product Name


Product Version

Table 1: Launcher Properties

This time, the attackers put more effort into trying to obfuscate
and protect their code from reverse engineering by switching from .NET
Confuser to Reactor. A quick look at how the protected code appears is
shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Code protected by Reactor

Inspecting the Launcher

Once the code is deobfuscated, it is easy to understand the internal
workings. Before the Launcher execution starts, it will perform an
integrity check on itself to make sure it has not been altered.

The Launcher can receive different arguments in the command line to
either install as a service, run Ploutus-D, or uninstall from the
machine. The service properties can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Service Description of the Launcher


Using a very common persistence technique, the malware will add
itself to the “Userinit” registry key to allow execution after every
reboot. The key is located at:

HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonUserinit

Interacting with the Launcher

The attacker must interact with the Launcher by attaching a keyboard
to the ATM USB or PS/2 port. Figure 3 below shows an example of this setup.

Figure 3: Keyboard attached to the ATM port

Once the Launcher has been installed in the ATM, it will perform
keyboard hooking in order to read the instructions from the attackers
via the external keyboard. A combination of “F” keys will be used to
request the action to execute (see Figure 4).

Figure 4: Interacting with the Launcher via keyboard

The main tasks supported are:

  • Start programs on demand, some of which are decrypted from the
    resource section of the Launcher:

    • C:Program
      FilesDieboldAgilis StartupAgilisShellStart.exe
    • Main.exe
    • XFSConsole.exe
  • Kill

    • NHOSTSVC.exe
    • AgilisConfigurationUtility.exe
    • XFSConsole.exe
  • Delete Files:
    • NetOp.LOG – Secure Remote
      Management solution
  • Reboot Machine:
    • “wmic os where Primary=’TRUE’ reboot”

As seen in Figure 5, a request has been sent to run Ploutus-D
(AgilisConfigurationUtility.exe) from command line.

Figure 5: Starting Ploutus-D by the Launcher

Legitimate KAL ATM software is dropped into the system along with
Ploutus-D, as shown in the Figure 6. The reason for this is to make
sure that all the software and versions needed to properly run the
malware are present in the same folder to avoid any dependency issues.
The same technique was also used by the first version of Ploutus.

Figure 6: Dropped files by the Launcher

The K3A.Platform.dll DLL will load the Kalignite Platform to allow
Ploutus-D to control the ATM.

This shows that the attackers likely have access to the targeted ATM
software. They can either buy physical ATMs from authorized resellers,
which come preloaded with vendor software, or they could just steal
the ATMs directly from the bank’s facility. An example of a real
incident reported in Mexico is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7: Attackers physically stealing ATMs

Ploutus-D – AgilisConfigurationUtility.exe (.NET)



.NET Obfuscator


File Size

274 kB

File Type

Win32 EXE

Time Stamp

1992:06:19 15:22:17-07:00

Code Size


OS Version


Image Version


Subsystem Version


Table 2: Ploutus-D Properties

Similar to the Launcher, this binary also came protected with
Reactor obfuscator (see Figure 8).

Figure 8. Protected with Reactor

Looking at the unprotected code (see Figure 9), the connection with
Ploutus became evident since the names of most of the functions are
the same as in the first version.

Figure 9: Unprotected code

Ploutus-D will make sure a mutex with the name “KaligniteAPP” does
not exist in the system in order to start running. Similar to the
Launcher, Ploutus-D will hook the keyboard in order for the attackers
to interact with it; however, apart from receiving commands from “F”
keys, it will also read from the numeric pad (numbers).

Similar to the previous version, the GUI will be enabled by entering
a combination of “F” keys. Then, a valid 8-digit code must be entered
in the GUI in order to be able to dispense money. Ploutus-D also
allows the attackers to enter the amount to withdraw (billUnits – 4
digits) and the number of cycles (billCount – 2 digits) to repeat the
dispensing operation (see Figure 10).

Figure 10: Parsing amount and cycles

The Ploutus-D GUI is displayed in Figure 11. It is configured to
list properties of 18 cassettes (C1-C18). Letter “D” shows the status
of the cassette and “CV” is a value taken from the registry. The
message “Estado:Activado”, which means “State: Activated”, is
displayed if a valid code has been entered. The ATM ID and HW_ID are
unique to the ATM. The amount to be retrieved is displayed as:
“Cantidad: 500” (default value if no amount entered in the GUI). The
total amount depends on the currency, which is also calculated by the malware.

Figure 11: Ploutus-D GUI enabled

All the actions are logged into a file with the name “Log.txt”. An
extract can be seen in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Log File recording actions

Dispensing the Money

In order for the mule to be able to start dispensing money, a valid
8-digit code must be entered. This code is provided by the boss in
charge of the operation and is calculated based on a unique ID
generated per ATM, and the current month and day of the attack.

Once a valid activation code has been entered (which expires in 24
hours), the dispensing process will start by pressing “F3” from the
external keyboard.

The malware will first identify the cassette’s denomination by
querying the registry denomination table from Diebold Dispenser
Logical Name “DBD_AdvFuncDisp” at:


A similar strategy will be used to get the cassette’s status and
type, to make sure they are working properly, and, more important, to
identify that it has at least one bill to withdraw.

Ploutus-D will load “KXCashDispenserLib” library implemented by
Kalignite Platform (K3A.Platform.dll) to interact with the XFS Manager
and control the Dispenser (see Figure 13).

Figure 13: Loading Dispenser Class

Figure 14 shows a graphical representation of the XFS Manager and
its interaction with Kalignite Platform via KXCashDispenserLib.

Figure 14: XFS Manager

The knowledge shown in the code to properly implement all the
different classes and methods to control the Dispenser suggests that
the developers of the malware have either access to real ATMs during
the development or they hired individuals with experience coding on
these machines.

Expanding Ploutus to other ATM vendors

Kalignite Platform is said to support 40 ATM vendors. Looking at the
code to dispense money, the only pieces adjusted to target Diebold are
the different registry keys to read the cassette (DBD_AdvFuncDisp)
parameters (see Figure 15).

Figure 15: Getting Diebold Cassette parameters

Since Ploutus-D interacts with the Kalignite Platform, only minor
modifications to the Ploutus-D code may be required to target
different ATM vendors worldwide.


As anticipated in our 2017
predictions report
, the use of ATM malware will continue to
increase, especially in underdeveloped countries with weaker physical
security controls. By leveraging the Kalignite Platform, Ploutus can
be easily modified to attack various ATM vendors and operating systems.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When was Ploutus-D first discovered?
    • Ploutus-D was
      uploaded to VirusTotal in November 2016.
  2. Does Ploutus-D target cardholder information?
    • No. It is
      designed to dispense cash from within the ATM.
  3. Is Ploutus-D already affecting ATMs in the wild?
    • Yes. It
      has been observed in Latin America.
  4. What
    type of ATMs are affected?

    • Ploutus-D affects Diebold
    • Minor modifications could be made to Ploutus-D to
      affect other vendors using the Kalignite Platform.
  5. How is Ploutus-D installed on the ATM?
    • Through
      physical access to the ATM.
  6. How do
    attackers interact with Ploutus-D?

    • Via an external keyboard
      that needs to be connected to the ATM.




The following files should be found at the same place where the
service Diebold.exe is located:

P.bin – Mac address of the system, plus
PDLL.bin – Encoded
version of P.bin

Mutex names:



Service Name: DIEBOLDP


\HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogonUserinit=”Diebold.exe,%system32%/userinit.exe”