15° DevDay Napoli: Building Resilient Microservice APIs with REST and API Gateway | 19 Jan ‘18
Another year has begun and we start again with a new event DevDay Napoli sponsored by Bit4id.
DevDay organizes meetings dedicated to the world of software development focused on issues of current interest and also this time offers an event to be missed.
Migrating to a system based on microservices from a monolithic application is a non-simple task that very often ends with a completely different system in terms of architecture, components and above all the exposed API interface; which can also mean undermining the integration with existing clients.
Is there a better way?
In this presentation we will start from a simple monolithic application that will be refactored in a set of microservices, discussing and eventually solving all the problems that will emerge gradually, discovering how the REST paradigm and a Gateway API are fundamental working tools for the objective .
At the end of the presentation we will show how the new system can be changed in its monolithic version to that of microservices, at our choice, without breaking any integration with existing clients.
The meeting will be held by Vincenzo Chianese, an Italian developer specialized in WebAPI and user interfaces. Previously in Apiary, then Oracle, now coordinates the Express-Gateway project on behalf of LunchBadger.
Admission is free! To participate, simply register on the event page.
We are waiting for you at Re.work
Directional center Naples, Island E2
January 19, 2018
6:45 pm – 8:30 pm