Tag: “Phishing
Bundle Up and Build an End-to-End Phishing Defense
By David Mount, Product Marketing Back in 2008, CofenseTM (then PhishMe®) pioneered the concept of phishing simulation as a tool to reduce organizational risk to phishing threats. Since then, the phishing threat landscape has evolved at a rapidUnder the Radar – Phishing Using QR Codes to Evade URL Analysis
Phishing attacks evolve over time, and attacker frustration with technical controls is a key driver in the evolution of phishing tactics. In today’s modern enterprise, it’s not uncommon for our emails to run the gauntlet of security productsThe “Nasty List” Phishing Scam Is out to Steal Your Instagram Login
How often do you check your social media accounts? According to a recent study, internet users spend an average of 2 hours and 22 minutes per day on social networking platforms. Since users are pretty reliant on social media, cybercriminals useHey! I know I’ve never talked to you before – but can you send some money – QUICK!
Business Email Compromise (BEC), also known as CEO Fraud, is a type of phishing email designed to impersonate an executive. In a BEC campaign, the “executive” urgently instructs an employee to wire money, sometimes lots of money, to a bankCofense : 5 lani implementiranih novosti obrambe pred e-poštnim phishingom
Cofense (prej PhishMe), promotor človeškega vidika kibernetske varnosti in dobavitelj uspešnega orodja za trening uporabnikov elektronske pošte PhishMe Simulator, ter podjetje REAL security d.o.o. iz Maribora, objavljata pregled minulega leta.Cofense : Poročanje upravi o zaščiti pred phishingom
Lani je eden od uporabnikov Cofense rešitev želel upravi prikazati poročilo o obratovanju rešitve. Iskal je kak vzorec za predstavitev rezultatov tega projekta za sestanek z nadzornim svetom. Pogledal je […]Load More