Rapidly Enhancing Critical
Infrastructure With Forcepoint

Securing and Implementing an Industry 4.0 Ready Solution

Where the Next Generation Firewall ends is where true protection of your critical Infrastructure begins!

Two seasoned veterans of Forcepoint’s Global Governments department will guide You toward understanding why Defense-graded cybersecurity solutions made it to the commercial market and how You can use it. Ready?

Join us on Wednesday, 5th of April 2023, at 10.00 CET

John N. Carbone, PhD
Forcepoint Global Governments and Critical Infrastructure, Senior Technical Director, Chief Solution Architect

Safdar Akhtar,
Forcepoint Critical Infrastructure Protection Programs Director

Where it all started…

Modern network security is deeply based upon Next Generation Firewall capabilities, providing both – secure connectivity and priivacy of Your networks. Although NGFW is a vital construct for critical infrastructure, they are limited to network availability and confidentiality and therefore do not  always prevail in case of emergency. Meaning the essential “Data Integrity” paradigm shift must happen if critical infrastructure is to survive.

Where it all goes…

As Forcepoint we are known from our NGFW – but for the critical traffic and resources, you need to go step further.

Imagine the following:

  1. Being able to breaking the protocol into separate receiving/sending streams to greatly limit Man-In-The-Middle Attacks
  2. Significantly improving “Peace of Mind” via Data Integrity, by approving all internal and external data-flows based on validated templates, metadata or other parameters of packets or payload. No data flows unless explicitly allowed.
  3. Redacting/changing the data “in-flight” to increase confidentiality based on similar parameters.
  4. All of this and more accomplished with One Piece of Software!

Providing true secure file transfer, validating data-integrity and finally protecting Critical Infrastructure like we have never done before.

What You will learn…

Two seasoned veterans – Safdar Akhtar and John Carbone of Forcepoint’s Global Governments division will guide You towards understanding why Defense-graded cybersecurity solutions made it to commercial market and… how You can use it. Ready?

Please register for the online session in the form below.