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Webinar: Interested In Becoming an ExtraHop Partner?

Online webinar

  Find out more about our brand new partner, ExtraHop and the opportunities it provides to partners - join our short webinar on 15th of May 2020 at 10 AM UTC +2 and take the first steps to provide your customers with the market leader ExtraHop!   "ExtraHop gives you insights that are simply not […]

Kako videti VSE z uporabo McAfee SIEM

Bi imeli radi vpogled v vaše korporativno okolje, kot da ste Professor X? Pridružite se nam na še enem kratkem, 20-minutnem in predvsem dolgočasnem predavanju z izključno življenjskimi primeri iz prakse. Andrej Hostnikar, varnostni inženir pri podjetju REAL security d.o.o., bo pokazal, kako nam lahko situacijsko zavedanje v realnem času z McAfee SIEM pomaga pri […]

30-minute webinar: Orchestra Group with Harmony IoT

Online webinar

REAL security invites you to take part in our short, 30-minute insight webinar, where we will present our new vendor Orchestra Group’s Harmony IoT on Wednesday, April 22nd 2020 at 10:00 CEST.  About the solution: Harmony IoT delivers an Organisation-Grade Cybersecurity dome that fills the IoT cybersecurity gap, continuously identifying and monitoring all the smart connected devices in […]