Category: BeyondTrust
Avecto Reseller Training at REAL security Training Center
Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management Remove admin rights completely across entire business for ALL endpoints and servers. Privileges are granted to individual applications, tasks and scripts, never to users. It […]Iz Avecto Microsoft vulnerabilities report 2017
Avecto : Raziskave kažejo, da so se ranljivosti programske opreme in okolij Microsoft od leta 2013 več kot podvojile Avecto je objavil rezultate 5. letne raziskave objavljenih ranljivosti v programski […]Z novim orodjem Avecto Quick Start lahko kar čez noč vzpostavimo least-privilege strategijo za vse delovne postaje.
Avecto, ponudnik inovativne programske opreme Defendpoint namenjene proaktivni zaščiti delovnih postaj brez vpliva na produktivnost uporabnikov, ter podjetje REAL security d.o.o. iz Maribora, predstavljata Avecto Defendpoint v5.0. KakoDownload Microsoft Vulnerabilities Report 2017 presented by Avecto
REAL security and Avecto are kindly inviting you to download and look through one of this year’s most valuable cybersecurity assets – the Microsoft Vulnerabilities Report 2017. The report reviews the […]Hackcess denied: Remove admin rights, remove the keys – webinar by Avecto
REAL security is inviting you to attend Avecto’s exclusive webinar, titled Hackcess denied: Remove admin rights, remove the keys, hosted by Sami Laiho, Microsoft MVP and ethical hacker, on March 15th […]Reduce your attack surface overnight – a presentation at RISK2018 from Avecto
Welcome to the world of PROactive Cybersecurity: Reduce your attack surface overnight will be the title of Avecto’s presentation at RISK conference 2018, the largest specialized IT security event in […]Avecto sets new benchmark for privilege management implementations with the launch of Defendpoint v5.0
Quick Start policy enables organizations to achieve least privilege overnight Avecto, a market leader in privilege management, today announced the upcoming release of Defendpoint v5.0, the latest version of its […]Load More