Category: RISK conference
RISK 2020: Preliminary Agenda now Live!
Dear Sir/Madam, we have just published the preliminary agenda for the 15th annual RISK conference, the largest IT security conference in the Adriatic region, that will be taking place on […]Announcing RISK conference 2020!
Dear sirs, we are very proud to announce our next RISK 2020 conference, the premier IT security and networking event in the Adriatic region. It will take place on the 18th and […]Watch the full RISK conference 2019 recap video
RISK conference 2019, which took place in Lasko, Slovenia, on March 19th and 20th, was our largest event to date – with over 600 participants from 25 countries in attendance. […]Konferencija RISK dolazi u Bosnu i Hercegovinu 8. oktobra 2019
Rezervirajte datum, jer 8. oktobra 2019 kritičko prihvaćena informacijska konferencija RISK dolazi u hotel Hills Sarajevo. Upoznajte stručnjake iz sistemskih integratora, IT konsultante, državne institucije, telco provajdere, prodavače iConference RISK 2019 coming for the first time to Bosnia and Herzegovina on October 8th 2019!
Reserve the date, as on October 8th 2019 the critically acclaimed information security conference RISK is coming to 5-star Hotel Hills Sarajevo in the capital city of Bosnia and Herzegovina! […]RISK 2019 Serbia – Recap video and all VoD from presentations
RISK 2019 Serbia took place on the 29th of May 2019 at the Radisson Collection Old Mill Belgrade hotel, where IT security specialists could meet, network, educate and of course, […]Registrovan si za RISK 2019? Prijavi se za besplatno učešće!
RISK konferencija ponovo u glavnom gradu Srbije 29.05.2019. u Radisson Collection Hotelu, Old Mill u Beogradu. RISK je najbolji izbor, bez obzira da li ste profesionalac ili perspektivni student. Konferencija […]RISK 2019 Serbia Preliminary Agenda Published!
We have just published the preliminary agenda for conference RISK 2019 Serbia, which will take place on May 29th 2019 at Radisson Collection Hotel, Old Mill Belgrade, Serbia. Attend presentations […]Conference RISK 2019 Serbia returns to Belgrade on the 29th of May 2019!
Reserve the date, as on the 29th of May 2019, conference RISK returns to Serbia. Be a part of the critically acclaimed event and expand your knowledge with presentations or network […]Load More