Hybrid Work Global Survey 2021 | Riverbed | Aternity
Hybrid work is the new norm and critical to organizational success—but the question is, are you ready to support the hybrid workplace? To assess the benefits and challenges of a hybrid workplace and the role technology plays in enabling or impacting its long-term success, Riverbed | Aternity conducted a global survey across eight countries in September 2021 of nearly 1,500 business decision-makers and IT decision-makers. The findings are eye-opening and a reality check for us all. A full 83% of decision-makers believe 25%+ of their workforce will be hybrid post-pandemic and 42% say 50%+ will be hybrid.
We get it, hybrid work is important and here to stay. But shifting to a high-performing hybrid work model is challenging and elusive for most with only 32% believing they are completely prepared to support the shift to hybrid work. What do we do? Address both human- and technology-related barriers NOW!
As the survey noted, 80% of business decision-makers believe technology disruptions negatively affect them, their teams, and employee job satisfaction. To gain the maximum benefits from hybrid work, organizations must invest in technologies and modernize their IT environment. Under-investing in technologies that ensure IT services are performing and secure can have severe consequences to business success and the employee experience.
Now the good news. More than 90% of respondents agree hybrid work helps with recruiting talent and competitiveness and 84% agree hybrid work will have a lasting and positive impact on society and the world. So, they are investing in critical capabilities such as end-to-end visibility, cybersecurity and acceleration technologies to enable long-term success. This is important, as the need for end-to-end visibility and actionable insights intensifies in a hybrid workplace. And when networks, digital services and SaaS applications operate at peak performance, so do employees and the business.
Are you ready? Take a look at the full Riverbed | Aternity Hybrid Work Global Survey 2021 and discover key executive insights and investment areas to create a high-performing hybrid workplace.
For the success of your business, happiness of your employees and satisfaction of your customers, do it today, before it is too late.
This post was first first published on Riverbed Blog’s website by Jonaki Egenolf. You can view it by clickinghere